
Gerda, 82 years old, was born and grew up in Würzburg and has been living in her home town again for five years. Before that, she spent time in the Spessart with her grandparents on a farm. Today, she lives by the Old Main Bridge and has a strong emotional connection to Würzburg.

“Würzburg has always been my home base and living here is like a dream,”

she says.

Gerda is critical of the current social situation. She is concerned about the integration of migrants, especially young people, who are often hindered in their development. She calls for more support for these people, be it from the state or from volunteers. Despite the challenges, she remains optimistic and volunteers at Café Com, where she offers support to young women in particular.

More about Gerda in the podcast here:

Das Projekt
in aller Kürze

Jeder Mensch - egal wie alt, egal woher - will irgendwann endlich ankommen. Wir zeigen 1.000 Menschen aus Würzburg, jeden mit seiner eigenen Geschichte.

Über diese Geschichten, Kunst, Diskussionen und kreative Formate laden wir alle ein, miteinander ins Gespräch zu kommen, gemeinsame Werte zu entdecken und sie im besten Fall gemeinschaftlich umzusetzen.

Dass Diversität im eigenen Umfeld als Chance begriffen werden kann, will das Projekt ebenso erfahrbar machen, wie das Glücksgefühl, das sich einstellt, wenn man selbst etwas verändert.